Looking to learn more about bioplastics, compostables, straw alternatives, greenwashing, or UrthPact? UrthPact prides itself on being a leader in education and information. Check out our graphics and charts to learn more about the future of single-use products.
Top 4 Cities _ States for Plastics Bans

Top 4 Cities _ States for Plastics Bans

Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act

Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act

What is a certifying body

What is a certifying body



BPI vs. TUV Cert Schemes

BPI vs. TUV Cert Schemes

Phrases In Bans that Cover Bioplastics

Phrases In Bans that Cover Bioplastics

Why Bans Cover Bioplastics

Why Bans Cover Bioplastics

Pros & Cons of Certifications

Pros & Cons of Certifications

Steps to Certify Compostable Products

Steps to Certify Compostable Products

Plastics & Bioplastics History Stepping Stones

Plastics & Bioplastics History Stepping Stones

Basic PLA vs. PHA

Basic PLA vs. PHA

People Healthy Planet Healthy

People Healthy Planet Healthy

Physical & Chemical Effects of Plastic Pollution

Physical & Chemical Effects of Plastic Pollution

Plastic Waste Values & Trends (2000-2025)

Plastic Waste Values & Trends (2000-2025)

2020 Ocean Plastic Dumping

2020 Ocean Plastic Dumping